Apr 18, 2017
Five articles from the May 2017 issue summarized in five minutes, with the addition of a brief editorial commentary. The 5-in-5 feature is designed to give readers an overview of articles that may pique their interest and encourage more detailed reading. It may also be used by busy readers who would prefer a brief audio summary in order to select the articles they want to read in full.
The featured articles for this month are "Outcomes After Biologically Augmented Isolated Meniscal Repair With Marrow Venting Are Comparable With Those After Meniscal Repair With Concomitant Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction", "Long-term Effects of Adolescent Sport Concussion Across the Age Spectrum", "Interposition Dermal Matrix Xenografts: A Successful Alternative to Traditional Treatment of Massive Rotator Cuff Tears", "The Association of Sport Specialization and Training Volume With Injury History in Youth Athletes", and "Traumatic Patellar Dislocation and Cartilage Injury: A Follow-up Study of Long-Term Cartilage Deterioration".
Click here to read the articles.