Sep 2, 2019
Five articles from the September 2019 issue summarized in five minutes, with the addition of a brief editorial commentary. The 5-in-5 feature is designed to give readers an overview of articles that may pique their interest and encourage more detailed reading. It may also be used by busy readers who would prefer a brief audio summary in order to select the articles they want to read in full.
The featured articles for this month are, "Single-Stage Multiple-Ligament Knee Reconstructions for Sports-Related Injuries: Outcomes in 194 Patients", "Surgeon Ability to Appropriately Address the Calcified Cartilage Layer: An In Vitro Study of Arthroscopic and Open Techniques", "Ankle Sprains in the National Basketball Association, 2013-2014 Through 2016-2017", "Factors Predicting the Outcome After Arthroscopically Assisted Stabilization of Acute High-Grade Acromioclavicular Joint Dislocations", and "Predictors of Unsuccessful Nonoperative Management of Capitellar Osteochondritis Dissecans."
Click here to read the articles.